Diane and I were/are pet lovers. After moving to South Eastern Michigan we began our pet family. Our first was Dinky, a Terrier mix. Dink was a sweet girl. Next was Bubba, a Springer Spaniel. Her name said it all. After Bub came Minnie, an American Water Spaniel. And then Harley, a Sheltie mix. Harl loved everybody, but had a touch of wanderlust. Also there was Rusty and Sally, but they were cats. And that's for another time.
Much of our free time was spent "up North." We camped, fished. hunted, hiked in and around Lovells. It was a terrific getaway. By car it was about 2 1/2 hours from home . Our pets enjoyed the outings and traveled in the backseat.
I recall a particular business meeting across town. It was just run of the mill. But, afterwards I was drafted into providing return transportation. I was embarrassed to see my passengers exit the car, in their charcoal, pin-striped suits and navy cashmere topcoats covered in white dog hair.
This "unofficial" dress-code faux pas was a more egregious sin than wearing a sports coat and slacks instead of the customary suit.
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