And the beer chases my blues away ..."
("Friends in Low Places" - 1989, Earl Bud Lee and Dewayne Blackwell)
•   Weak as a kitten,
•   Strong as a bull,
•   Crazy like a fox,
•   Sick as a horse,
•   Stubborn as a mule,,
•   Drunk as a skunk,
•   etc.
As far as the skunk goes, perhaps "Stunk like a skunk" is more appropriate. My nominee for animal over-imbiber is the Porcupine. Porcupines are native to the UP; and are seen wandering about or feeding high in new-growth. They also like apples.
In Autumn, porcupines enjoy the fermented juice of apples on the ground. Emphasis here is on the ground. Porcupines get drunk on the fermented juice (critter cider) and are unable to climb. They stagger and fall, unable to walk a straight line. Is there a breathalyzer for porcupines? Do other woodland creatures get sloshed too?
So, "Party like a porcupine?"