Killdeer Tag
According to Astronomers, Spring began more than two months ago. It's Spring because I now wear a medium-weight coat while filling feeders. The earflap cap is still needed. Other signs of Spring are: leafing Apple and Maple trees, and Killdeers nesting on the shore.
Today, while mowing near the shore, a Killdeer landed in front of the mower pretending to be injured. It cried, faked a busted wing, and hobbled. The bird was leading the "predator" away from its nest. A serious game played to protect the nest.
Killdeer arrivals and departures go unseen. But every year between mid-May and mid-June they nest here. Those little guys are shy, entertaining, and quite delightful.
Related Links:

Bird Feeder

Bird List

"Gull Speak"

"P.C. for the Birds"