On to the Past!
If that sounds like the reverse of "Back to the Future", you got it in one. Before continuing, I'd like to point out that I love gadgets and technology; probably more than most. My background is technological, all be it obsolete according to my daughter.
I am however concerned about technology available for a price. The message became the medium many years ago. Clever marketing and business for sure. Necessary, not so much.
Why bother to learn basic, life skills when my hand-held Iflop can do it for me. That frees me up to communicate in three different electronic/information formats with 343 of my closest friends. I can't wait to share a HD video of my last bowel movement. Which reminds me to order a security cam for Sally's litter box.
While on the topic of "Frivolous Stuff", what about "Selfies?" As a lad, I was told that selfies would lead to blindness. The definition and paradigm have shifted. I recently catalogued hundreds of photos made over the last 40 years. I didn't find one selfie. Isn't there a flaw in our nature if we must self-promote our image into all aspects of personal and professional life. Can you imagine Leonardo sketching himself into the "Mona Lisa?" My spell checker doesn't include the word "selfie." I rest my case.
I suspect that the human race is developing a mutated third arm. An arm dedicated to clutching the Iflop full time. Call me old, but I can remember a time when people managed without 24/7 connectivity. It all started innocently enough, get the jump, conduct business after hours, etc. The business has spiraled out of control. All well and good if you own iflop stock. But at what cost to the human race?
Social distancing, and voluntary quarantine associated with the CV19 pandemic have brought the internet to its knees. Only those with with "high-speed" service get any service. Those of us with no service are rediscovering the past. Perhaps, when we are once again allowed face-to-face contact we might put down the iflops while doing so. One can only imagine the role of iflops and consenting adults.