Not Enough Time!
(Time/Space Continuum over simplified to a fault, I'm sure.)

We've all heard something similar to "....all about time and place." When one stops to consider, the statement is profound. The first three dimensions nail down place; whether referred to as: up, down, left, right, or height, width, depth, or latitude, longitude, etc.

So at a particular location what's different from one (second, minuet, hour, day, month, year, century, etc.) to the next. The last reveals notion of a space/time continuum. As Thomas Wolfe noted "You Can't Go Home Again." To me, home is a location in space and time. You can return to your former home, but that's all it is.

Who cares? Each of us should. We are all given a finite amount of time on this mortal coil. We have some choices about duration based on medical and life-style decisions. So, the burning question is how do we manage or prioritize our personal allotment of time. Whether conscious, or otherwise, each of us has a set of priorities that order our routine and opportunistic events. When we say "I'm too busy," or "I just don't have time for that," we are admitting no interest or priority below the action threshold. We dothe same by ignoring pesky items such as emails and texts. This practice is at least disrespectful!

Since no one reads my stuff or cares to comment, time's up!