The Limerick
Goal - message, observation loud & clear.
Affect - entertained and of good cheer.
Style - Satirical, sharp, tangy.
Content - ordinary, common, Slangy.
Result - Virtual citrus in the ear!
There was a chemist from Delaware.
Of his orientation the family was unaware.
He was gay.
As if the "Queen of May."
And Saloon-danced in his underware!
(These are taken from a self-help book we did for RVers.
Each limerick is preceded by the section name which inspired it.)

There once was a crab named Hermie
Who journeyed about the sea
He traveled by tide
Without engine or slide
While lugging his trusty RV.
Warnings by any other name,
No representation promise or claim
A worthless little book
Disagree, you're mistook
Opinion and humor are the game.
The joys of nature RVers seek,
Of parking misery they speak.
We watched closely,
And learned mostly,
Tips to share with no critique.
(Before You Hit the Road)
There was a camper from Grayling
Who had a major failing
He always forgot
Pulling trailer, or not.
And was frequently in the guard railing.
(A Little Planning)
There was a thrifty camper named Clink,
Whose equipment was known to stink.
His fears arose,
When his water hose,
Blew apart at a tattered old kink.
(The Approach)
A subject we must broach,
The course of your approach,
Find the correct line,
You'll do just fine,
Your parking above reproach!
At map reading they were adroit,
Overheard on a trip from Beloit,
"The next turn's in sight?"
Navigator says, "right!"
Went to Chicago, instead of Detroit.
(Backing In)
As drivers did you ever learn
While backing, which way to turn?
When pulling a tow,
Steering-wheel bottom you go
With maneuvering room to burn.
There was a family called Doud,
Who drove about in a cloud.
Their neighbors fussed,
About the dust,
And registered complaints aloud.