What am I?
Over 300 miles from North to South;
Gulliver to Gary;
Better than one hundred miles East to West:
Muskegon to Milwaukee;
Big brother Superior, North;
Sisters Huron, Erie, and Ontario, East;
More than 22,000 square miles;
900 feet plus, at your deepest;
With hundreds of shipwrecks to your credit;
None as famous as the Edmund Fitzgerald;
You are known for great dunes in the South;
And Limestone flats in the North;
Below the 42nd, pollution and toxins are your concern;
Above the 45th, ore boats, fishermen, and giant Cedars are still found;
Up north, the Eagle and Osprey are at home;
On those shores Black Bear, Coyotes, Wolves and Moose still roam;
Chinooks, Cohos, Pinks, Humpies, Browns and Rainbows you rear;
Zebra muscles, Ruffe, Goby, Watermilfoil, and Spiny waterfleas we now fear;
Your past is certain;
The future unclear;
Your destiny tied to avarice and greed;
And the diminishing effect of the environmental breed
Related Links:

"G_____n Creek"

"The Au Sable"